Urgent Vacancy for B E and B-TECH Diploma Mechanical Engineer Fr

Urgent Vacancy for B E & B-TECH Diploma Mechanical Engineer FresherJob Description WELCOME BRIGHT FUTURE. Urgent Vacancy for B E & B-TECH Diploma Mechanical Engineer fresher job in Chennai. JOB DESCRIPTION 1.The action of making or manufacturing from components or raw materials or the process of being so manufactured. (PRODUCTION). 2.The process or set of processes used to measure and assure the quality of a product and quality control.(QUALITY QA-QC). Mechanical Engineer Job Duties 1. Research design evaluate and develop machines and tools. 2. Work on the production & Quality QA-QC. FACILITY Food Accommodation Over Time bus SALARY 12K to 15K- per month MECHANICAL ENGINEER SKILLS AND QUALIFICATION 1.Bachelors degree in mechanical engineering. 2.Assist With Field and Manufacturing Problems. 3.Communication skills. Fresher mechanical trade candidates can apply. If you are interested so call me Nandhini HR 99623(at)(at)21948



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