Lakeside property in a quiet neighborhood - Lot 482 Kevin Cir

Surrounded by trees a lake and plenty of green space this 0.22-acre lot is the perfect place to build your dream home. Wake up to the peaceful mornings overlooking the beautiful lake and forest. Create and enjoy the memories at Cedar Creek Lake from the property and an opportunity for outdoor enthusiasts to have a flexible lifestyle. Local amenities include a pool gym and existing home sites with the lake s standard water views. Do not miss this chance of becoming healthy and stress-free from the traffic.CALL US for more information Here are the details Cash Payment 11 500Parcel Number R000077077MLS 14519351Size 0.22 acres 9 792 SqFt.Legal description TAMARACK VENTURE LT 482 AB 59 J P BROWN SURSubdivision TAMARACK VENTUREState TexasMobile Home allowed NoCounty HendersonZoning ResidentialRestrictions Single Family DwellingWater Supply No but available for installationElectricity Supply No but available for installations premium-listings-view.php userID 2324& landID 5880



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