
BookkeeperCarmodity is a car share marketplace. We offer cars for rent improve utilization and enable car owners to earn from their vehicles.At this time we are looking for a Bookkeeper to join our operation. We are offering a full-time position working remotely and earning 25.00 hr for 40 hrs week.The Bookkeeper will perform the following duties Process a variety of accounts payable and accounts receivable. Maintain financial records using bookkeeping software. Prepare and gather documentation at the end of the fiscal for tax returns. Prepare bank deposits and cheque runs. Prepare monthly bank account and credit card account reconciliations. Complete and submit GST returns and other bills. Prepare by-weekly reports. Assist with quarterly and yearly reconciliations. The qualifications that we are looking for are Completion of High School is required Completion of a college program in accounting bookkeeping or a related field or courses in accounting or bookkeeping combined with a minimum of 2 years of experience as a bookkeeper or a similar position is required. Must be familiar with Quickbooks. Attention to detail and problem-solving skills. Good command of the English language. Please apply by email to carmodity(at)workmail.comWork conditions Remote work full-time permanent.



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