Reliable and Budget Friendly Ambulance Service in Guwahati

Medivic Ambulance service In Guwahati Assam is among the best service providers in the region. Our well-trained paramedics make sure that every patient reaches safely to the nearest medical center. Our state-of-the-art vehicles are well equipped to attain any kind of serious medical evacuation. A professional team and compassion for saving human lives place us at the top of our profession.Medivic Ambulance Service in Guwahati offers reliable and budget-friendly services to the medically distressed.For Further Inquiry Contact Us Medivic Ambulance Services Pvt. Ltd.Address Tarun Nagar Path G S Road Near Rajib Bhawan In Front Of Dona Planet Guwahati Assam 781005Call Now 91-9560123309 91-9650432705Email info(at)



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