Two Bedroom Apartment with Pool

Two bedroom one bath apartment in Tujunga CA. Swimming pool heating and air conditioner electric stove garbage disposal hard wood flooring laundry (shared in building) elevator and parking spaces in back of building. No pets please.Tujunga is a foothill community between the cities of La Crescenta and Sunland. Conveniently located just north of the 210 freeway. Plenty of shopping along Foothill Boulevard. Public schools Pinewood Elementary Mount Gleason Middle School and Verdugo Hills High School.Rent 1 795 per monthCredit check 25Section-8 ok. Housing vouchers are welcome but not requiredAddress 10230 Samoa Ave Tujunga California 91042Cross street is Valmont St.manager s apartment 208Call Albert (manager) 818-730-3989



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