ComforterBlanket Color BurgundyGoldIvory Queen size

This is a very nice Queen blanket comforter. The colors are gold and burgundy and ivory. The other side of the blanket is gold coloring. The trim is burgundy color in the blanket. The blanket is in excellent condition practically new Pictures are based on lighting in the room some are with flash and others are without the close-up picture are closer to the correct color the pictures shows both sidesthe asking price is 50.00 (Firm)The locations I am willing to meet for this blanket is in the following New Jersey & New York areas Bergen county Paramus Township of Washington Ramsey Passaic county Clifton Rockland County Suffern No checks of any kind No PayPal No Shipping this blanket is for Cash OnlyPlease leave a message by either text email or phone thank you



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