i feel hopeless. 42 m seeking whatever

i just know my wife is cheating on me with her coworker. maybe her ex husband too. comes home odd hours takes my car keys so i can t leave can t speak without an argument... you know the whole she-bang. the only thing (barely) keeping me going are my children. i m 42 years old for christ s sake how am i supposed to meet another woman i ve gone back and forth on what i should do just leave in peace or stay for the sake of there being nothing else to gain from this depressive episode of a life what should i do what can i do if you have any advice please contact me at (424)224-7118. my buddy joe said not to post any personal information on here but i have nothing left to lose. i m lonely. i m not allowed to have any friends. what is she going to do take internet friends i ve never even met away from me she has already taken my pride and dignity.



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