JUST LISTED Potential for Earning &ldquoSweat Equity&rdquo for t

16423 Orchard Avenue Bellflower CA 90706 Looking for a home where you can make it your own Located on a corner lot this property has tons of potential for earning Sweat Equity for the right buyer. This two-bedroom home was built in 1922 with many of the vintage elements that elevated the quality of homes constructed back-in-the-day such as deep baseboards and ornate door and window frames just to name a few. The living room is light and airy with several windows the formal dining room has an arched entrance and also has tons of windows. The kitchen has room for a cozy dining nook at one end parquet wood flooring tile counters wood cabinets some with glass doors. A pair of Jack & Jill bedrooms both share a walk-in closet and a full bath with a shower tub combination. A second bath is just off the kitchen and next to a door leading out to the side yard and garage. Located in the heart of Bellflower nearby are several restaurants and the Bellflower Bike Trail. Allison Van Wig CA DRE 00985700 Van Wig and Associates www.SuperBroker.com 562-882-1581



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