he Peaceful Countryside of Liberty - Cr-1335-B

A beautiful and private 0.41-acre property is ready to develop and build your dream home or cabin and proximity to Trinity River. Hike the open fields sit by the river or swim at a sandy beach. You will enjoy the peace but convenience of groceries the ranching community and nearby ISD. The area is known for its scenery and small-town appeal and easy access to big-city amenities in Houston.Here are the details Cash Payment 14 900Down Payment Term of Loan (months) 48Total Monthly Payment 427.64Parcel Number R73044Size 0.41 acres 18 008 SqFt.Legal Description TRINITY RIVER RETREAT BLOCK 6 LOT 11 12 UNIT 2 ACRES .4134Subdivision TRINITY RIVER RETREATState TexasMobile Home allowed YesCounty LibertyZoning ResidentialRestrictions Single-family dwelling Mobile homes are allowedWater Supply Available for installationElectricity Supply Available for installationNearby attractions Trinity River National Wildlife RefugeKemah BoardwalkDowntown AquariumSpace Center HoustonTalk to us Jathan Gurley(469) 854-4031jathan(at)landtrustusa.com Federal State and Local Fair Housing Laws protect individuals from housing discrimination. It is unlawful to discriminate based on certain protected characteristics which include but are not limited to race creed color national origin sexual orientation gender identity or expression military status sex age disability marital status lawful source of income or familial status.s land-listings.com premium-listings-view.php userID 2324& landID 7140



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