Edwards and Patterson Law

At the Edwards and Patterson Law Firm we take a unique approach to law..........We Care We Fight We Win We care about our client s needs and will fight tirelessly to make sure that our clients get the compensation they deserve and WE WILL WIN Attorney s Tony Edwards Matthew Patterson and support staff are dedicated to fight for your maximum injury compensation. We have recovered millions for our clients and have the experience and determination to help you obtain the justice that you deserve. We service all of Oklahoma and Western Arkansas Auto & Trucking Accidents Personal Injury Slip and Fall Nursing Home Abuse Defective Drugs Defective Products Oilfield Accidents Wrongful Death Social Security Disability and Mesothelioma. If you or someone that you love has become the victim of a serious personal injury due to the negligence of another individual defective product or defective drug CALL US TODAY 877-761-5059 that person may be eligible to file a damages lawsuit claiming for financial compensation. Edwards & Patterson Law 321 S. 3rd Street McAlester OK 74501 918-302-3700 www.edwardspattersonlaw.com



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