Tax Supervisor-Clayton

The Tax Supervisor is responsible for leading staff instructing them in work to be performed reviewing completed work and directing necessary revisions. Under minimal supervision accepts responsibility for the successful outcome of client engagements and performs a wide variety of advanced accounting functions.ResponsibilitiesResponsible overseeing multiple projects engagements ensuring client satisfaction timely completion and staff development. Performs a broad range of diversified advanced accounting functions demonstrating thorough knowledge of tax accounting and tax law. Under direction of a manager or partner oversees the planning and scheduling of client engagements. Demonstrates thorough knowledge and understanding of tax compliance and relevant matters. Demonstrates ability to monitor project status to meet budgets deadlines and quality control standards appropriately prioritizes multiple assignments. Oversees trains and instructs junior and associate level staff team members Effectively delegates and leverages work to ensure client satisfaction and staff development. Assists in the development of tax policies and procedures for the firm. Efficiently and accurately prepares reviews and revises work papers. Communicates on behalf of client to tax authorities including notices and examinations. Prepares complicated tax returns for individual corporate partnership and others. Prepares correspondence processes reports develops maintains spreadsheets conducts research of complex technical issues as necessary. Understanding of firm metrics and timely manages client billings Demonstrates an understanding of clients business and of the unique aspects of each client s industry. Qualifications4 years of public accounting and tax accounting experience. Experience supervising and managing staff. BS degree in Accounting or a related field. Active CPA license highly preferred but not required. Proficiency with Microsoft Office Suite Strong interpersonal skills and oral and written communication. Problem solver and critical thinker. Experience with CCH tax software package is preferred. Business development experience is preferred. Please submit cover letter resume to aerohustle(at) or contact at 813-358-2700 for more information. Mon-Fri 8am-2pm EST



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