Carpenter Supervisor

Company Keats Island Construction and Services Ltd.Business information We are a family owned and operated business operating in the Sunshine Coast Howe Sounds and Sea-to-Sky region for more than 40 years specializing in serving the unique challenges of island construction and marine logistics. Our services include renovation new builds stairs and decks fencing docks utility and infrastructure installations.Business Address 299 Forin Rd Gibsons BC V0N 1V0Work Location Various locations throughout the Southern Gulf IslandsType of Employment Full time PermanentEstimated Start Date As soon as possible Job Description Supervise workers and projects Co-ordinate and schedule activities Set up equipment Ensure health and safety regulations are followed Requisition or order materials equipment and supplies Establish methods to meet work schedules Read blueprints and drawings Resolve work problems and recommend measures to improve productivity Prepare production and other reports Estimate costs and materials Assist general labourers if necessary Drive flat deck truck to get materials from suppliers to perform duties Requirements -Education Completion of secondary school is required.-Experience A minimum of 3 years of experience as a carpenter or cabinetmaker are required. If the candidate does not have at least 3 years of experience then a post-secondary education certificate OR Completion of a two-to-three-year apprenticeship program is required.-At least one year as a supervisor in a related discipline is required.-Strong basic math skills are required.-Ability to use hand power tools.-Ability to supervise 5-10 people.-Candidate must be familiar with working around water on boats and floating platform.-Working Conditions and Physical Capabilities Work under pressure Overtime required Handling heavy loads Manual dexterity Fast-paced environment Physically demanding Hand-eye co-ordination.-Personal suitability Initiative Excellent written communication Values and ethics Team player Reliability Organized Judgement Flexibility Excellent oral communication Dependability Client focus Accurate Effective interpersonal skills.-Work site environment Outdoors Noisy Dangerous Dusty Wet damp.-Weight handling Up to 23 kg (50 lbs).- Driver s License is required.- SVOP is a strong asset. Salary 35.00 37.00 per hour 40 - 45 Hours per week.Benefits Mileage paid Important information This position will require flexibility on schedule. The employee will work from Monday to Friday from 7 45 AM to 4 30 PM. Overtime and weekend work may be required based on the clients needs. Apply by e-mail to andrew(at)kicas.caApply by mail to PO Box 1342 Gibsons BC V0N 1V0



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