Excellent 40 Acres in Tonasket

Excellent 40 Acres in Tonasket 133 50041.69 acre lot Beautiful 40 acres in Tonasket with N Fork Pine Creek running through it and densely forested hills. Driveway gives access to potential building sites at the upper and middle sections of the property. Property backs up to almost 20 acres of public land. The roads from the property to Tonasket are county maintained so you only need to maintain the driveway. Enjoy the privacy and convenience of grocery stores restaurants less than 20 minutes away. An excellent get away for recreational activities. 500 Hagood Cutoff Rd Tonasket WA 98855MLS 1776547 ProStaff Real EstateEthan Hammond(509) 476-7077www.ProStaffRE.com



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