What is dr kamini rao s master class all about?

Knowing about the Pioneer- Dr. Kamini Rao Dr. Kamini Rao is one of the most reputable names in the domain of infertility treatment, Assisted Reproduction Techniques and High-Risk Obstetrics. A Padma Shri recipient, and a well-known figure in the medical community, Dr. Rao, has an outstanding history in medicines. But her role is not limited to medicine, consultancy and surgeries. She is the founder and director of Medline Academics- An E-learning Platform. Besides, her passion for exploring has led to the launch of her production house, Poorvi Productions. People may know her as Dr. Kamini A Rao, for her role in IVF, but she is much more; She is a Mentor, a guide, an author and a motivator. What is Dr. Kamini Rao?s, Master Class? A perfectionist with precision, a ray of hope to couples and a mentor to every individual in this society, Dr. Kamini unveiled her motivational talk show, Dr. Kamini Rao?s Master Class, which is a massive success amongst the viewers; across various nations. With the motto of ?Why be Ordinary, when you can be Extraordinary?, she purposes to bring out the greatest in each being. With this master class, Dr. Kamini aspires to encourage and inspire the intrinsic motivation and enthusiasm of the society at large. Check out Dr. Kamini Rao?s very first interview, where she describes in detail about her Master Class here: drkaminirao.com/ master-class-the-beginning.php Why is this Master Class important? Especially in this period of negativity around coronavirus, there is a need for motivational shows like Dr. Kamini Rao?s Master Class for the overall prosperity of this society. Waking up with a feeling of anxiety and struggling to push yourselves in such hard times, you often feel demotivated. This show will surely push you on a journey of self-development. Identify your strengths and aspirations with each new episode. Look for yourself in their words. Every human behavior is aimed to achieve some goal, and with every goal comes a new challenge to give you the courage to handle a situation, however rigid it may seem. This show has brought in a lot of positive reactions. Listen to our guest speakers, and acquire the skills and knowledge you need to design a life that?s more in alignment with your goals and dreams. Who were the speakers in this show? From Dr. Gururaj Karajagi to Khushi Dinesh, from Vani Ganapathy to Ananth Nag, this show had incredible speakers from all walks of life, sharing their experiences and journey to the top. The words spoken by the them in this show drives individuals to keep going even in the face of impediments, to take up chances, and to show commitment to what they want to attain. One such guest speaker is IPS Officer Gopal Hosur who talks about interest, challenge and rewards. Something that interests you gradually challenges you and finally rewards you. This understanding of interest, challenge and reward have paramount importance for the gro



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