Symmetry Early Learning Center is looking for FT Early Childhood

Symmetry Early Learning Center is looking for F T Early Childhood Educators Position Info Position Early Childhood Educator Terms of employment Full-time Permanent Wage 18-23 hour (depending on experience) Working Hours 30-40 hours week Number of Positions 2 Work Location 109 2526 Yale Court Abbotsford BC V2S 8G9 Benefits 4% vacation pay Job Duties Plan and implement child-care programs that promote the physical cognitive emotional and social development of children Lead activities by telling or reading stories teaching songs taking children on field trips Assess the abilities interests and needs of children and discuss progress or problems with parents and other staff members Guide and help children with proper eating dressing and toilet habits Keep an environment that protects the health and safety of children Provide children with chances to express creativity through art music and physical activity Observe children carefully for signs of possible learning or behavioural problems and report to parents guardians or supervisor Job requirements Language English Experience Experience as Early Childhood Educator is an asset. Education College Certificate or diploma in Early Childhood Education is required. Certificate First Aid Certificate & CPR Certificate and E.C.E. Certificate How to Apply Company information Lee Hwa Jung dba Symmetry Early Learning Center Email address symmetryearlylearning(at) Please apply via Email indicated above



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