Plasma Cutter For Sale

Cutmaster 42 All-in-one plasma cutting systemManual Air Plasma Cutting Torch model SL40 Recommended cut-inches(mm) (6) Max cut-inches (mm) (15) Piercing rate-inches(mm) (6)Rated Output 40 Amps Amperage Draw 29A (at) 120V 15A (at) 230V Output Power (Kw) 3.8 Input Voltage - (Volts Phase Hz) 120 230V 1 50 60Max Amperage Output - (Amps) 27 (at) 120V 40 (at) 230V Duty Cycle ((at)40 degrees C) 40% (at) 40A Dimensions (H x W x L) Inches 9 x 7 x 18.5Air Pressure - psi (bar)75 (5.2) Weight 26 lbs. (11.8 kg) Flow - Cfm (l m) 3.2 (91) Overview 40 Amp SL40 75 Deg Head 15 ft Leads 120 230V 1 ph 50 60Hz Serious Buyers Only Price is Firm Never got to use it-moving sale -( Do Not Need Help In Selling Item (737)666-5209



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