Manual Clicker Press wSwing Head

BG 4 Ton Manual Clicker Press w Swing HeadWorking area 9 x 12 (inches) - The white plastic pad is replaceable. Weight 95lbs Cycle Time 2-3 second average Opening height Adjustable up to 3 (inches) Die heights Accepts 1 2 3 4 1 1 1 4 & 1 1 2 (inches) The most common die heights are 1 1 1 4 and 1 1 2 (inches) Any die under 1 may require additional plastic pad to raise die to meet clicker head.Uses Cutting leather vinyl rubber and other soft materials. Cutting small items such as wallet pockets bracelets watch straps small gun holsters keychains purses panels coasters and countless other small accessories. Embossing logos monogramming. Portable so you can bring to fairs and shows. Great for monogramming with letters at fairs for customers. One of the biggest benefits to this press is its swing head. Fully rotational so you can place your cutting dies in optimal locations. There are 4 holes in the base in order to bolt the clicker to a table 737)666-5209 Firm On Price. Serious Buyers Only Please. I do not need help in selling item.



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