JUST LISTED Tons of Curb Appeal Lakewood Family Home

5862 Hardwick Street Lakewood CA 90713 Welcome to this wonderful family home located in the heart of Lakewood that offers tons of curb appeal and a charming brick front porch. Amenities that enhance the beauty of this home include crown molding custom baseboards and plantation shutters. Step into the spacious living room where a big bay picture window has sunshine streaming in onto the original hardwood floors. The formal dining area is adjacent to an updated kitchen with travertine tile flooring recessed lighting granite countertops glossy white cabinetry and a large pantry. A long granite-topped breakfast bar overlooks a step-down family room with a fireplace and large French doors that lead out to a secluded backyard and a covered patio perfect for entertaining. A long-gated driveway runs back to a two-car detached garage allowing for extra parking. Back inside are three bedrooms and two-updated baths in the private living quarters where one bath has a double sink vanity. Situated close to several shopping and dining venues and the San Gabriel River Parkway and Nature Trail. Allison Van Wig CA DRE 00985700 Van Wig and Associates www.SuperBroker.com 562-882-1581



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