Converted Premium Residential Plots with tons of AMENITIES

The Rose Wood it s an essence of plot in Bangalore region. Close to work and every convenience yet insulated from the city s bustle it brings back the charm of the days when a house was truly a place to come home. Lifestyle amenities to add stylish ease to life. Ultra-premium finishes for a touch of class.AMENITIES - Street Light Drainage System 24 Hours Water System Wide Asphalted Roads Rain Water Harvesting Underground electricity Sanitary 30ft & 40ft wide roads Ready for Construction Attach to village & school colleges hospitals shops nearby bus stands etc. Others Benefit - Plot Dimensions 30X40 30X50 25 35Odd Sites Ready to register n Registration is going on... Loan from Any Bank up to 70% Slightly Negotiable AT JUST 3000rs sq Slightly Nego All above deals are assist by experienced and educated Real estate Marketing Company called Future earth which suits for your budget for your Future Growth VSOURCE MARKETINGLEADS GENERATION TEAMvsourceadsleads(at)gmail.comPH 8951410310VSMADE1827-05-21



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