Maintenance Mechanic - 2k Sign on Bonus

If you are passionate about maintenance and troubleshooting while working in a fast-paced environment Anheuser-Busch could be your next step in fulfilling your career goals. We are currently hiring for our plant in Newburgh. Our Mechanics work in a team or independently within a high-speed manufacturing environment and are the key in guaranteeing that our quality is where it needs to be the very best. With cross-training opportunities available to maximize your earnings and expand your technical knowledge. Current new hires are eligible for a 2 000 sign-on bonus. If you are looking for a new challenge come join our team today Job DutiesTroubleshoot maintain and repair high-speed manufacturing equipment with a focus on safety quality and efficiency. Perform quality maintenance and housekeeping checks and record in automated computer system programs. Analyze & process data to make decisions on equipment maintenance and process improvement activities. Adhere to plant safety and sanitation requirements Complete assigned work safely and efficiently per the Standard Operating Procedures (SOP s). Operate powered industrial trucks. Clearly communicate maintenance and quality activities using computer reporting systems.



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