Used Dark Grey 2018 Chevrolet Equinox LS for Sale

Check out this lustrous dark grey 2018 Chevrolet Equinox LS we have available at our dealership In excellent condition and very spacious this SUV style vehicle could be all yours for only 15 990 ( Pricing excludes licensing and tax) Some features include -Backup Camera -Cruise Control -Heated Seats -Steering Wheel Controls -Remote Start -Push Button Start -And So Much More If this sounds like a great vehicle for you contact our dealership today to book an appointment at our North York car showroom You can also learn more about this SUV on our website Buy Now s vehicles 2018 chevrolet equinox toronto on 49986477 sale_class used Phone (416) 633-8188 Email info(at) Location 1235 Finch Ave W Toronto ON M3J 2G4



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