Passable feminine Asian CD (Crossdresser)

Hi. I am 23yo and looking for someone to have some fun with. I am a Japanese Korean male cross dresser who looks very feminine and sexy when dressed up as a naughty Asian girl. I am 5 foot 7 and love to wear pantyhose stockings garter belts straps and sexy outfits. I look extremely feminine and you wouldn t even tell them I am a male. I am looking for someone between the ages of 40-60. I ve also always wanted to be with a masculine hunk or a large daddy who can control me like a woman. No a-al sex. I like to give handjobs and blow jobs. I also like bondage and torture scenes where I m tied up and being tickled tortured spanked and helpless all night long. I also love to be a Dom and have my men tied up for my pleasures also. ) If your interested send me a email (at) mimibunnylee(at)gmail.comsebd picturessend me a pic of yourself and possibly your c-ck also. And also tell me about yourself and where you are located. Thanks



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