Oral Fun Tonight Maybe More

First let me say I will not signup to any sites and I do not pay for sex and I do not have money to put fuel in your vehicle or pay for you to fly here or anything else if you are ok with these stipulations here is everything you need to know accept my name is Bob and I m 40 years old.Hi I m married with kids not looking to change my situation at home but I need a release bad so looking to get a bj in my car tonight but I m down for anything unless you can host between Boston NY where I work and Springville NY where I live Saturday July 10th. Anytime between 5 30 pm and 11 pm I will take my lunch break and come out to my truck and we can have fun in the parking lot of the supermarket I work at don t worry the back windows are tinted and I put the car seat between the two front seats to block the view from the front Or if you can host I can come over when I get out of work at 11 pm in return as long as your clean shaved ill eat your pu-sy woman only and please no perfume cannot come home smelling like another woman thanks your pic gets mine 716-455-0024



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