Hair transplant doctor in delhi

Loosing 50 to 100 hair strands in a day is considered normal. However, hair fall resulting in baldness indicates an alarming state of excessive hair fall, requires immediate medical attention. Hair fall can occur due to hormonal changes during pregnancy and puberty, heredity factors, medical conditions like thyroid and iron deficiency, stress, etc. Hair thinning and baldness can affect an individual s appearance and can often result in embarrassment and lack of self-confidence. Dr. Kandhari?s Skin & Dental Clinic is one of the best hair transplant treatment clinic in Delhi, where one can get the desired results under expert doctor?s supervision. Hair transplant is a popular hair restoration technique that helps one to overcome the problem of baldness. Dr. Kandhari?s Skin & Dental Clinic is well equipped with advanced technologies to provide safe and effective results to their patients. Dr. Rajat Kandhari and his team of expert hair treatment doctors perform hair transplantation treatment in Delhi. In this treatment, the donor hair is extracted from the back of the scalp and is grafted to the balding area of the head. The procedure is carried out with utmost care to avoid damage to the hair follicles for natural and effective results. At Dr Kandhari?s Skin & Dental Clinic, other hair restoration treatment likes growth factor treatment, mesotherapy, and microneedling are also provided. To know more about this treatment benefits, consult today with an expert hair transplant doctor in Delhi at Dr. Kandhari?s Skin & Dental Clinic.



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