Mixer Operator

WE ARE PEOPLEREADY Staffing. It s what we know. Because we ve been providing staffing solutions putting people to work for nearly 30 years. Whether you re looking for work or you re seeking workers for your business PeopleReady is the North American leader in the industrial and on-demand staffing space. The PeopleReady located at Evans City Pennsylvania 16033 is currently hiring a Mixer Operator Job Description IMMEDIATE OPENINGS WITH A GROWING COMPANY IN YOUR AREA As a Mixer Operator you would work on one (or several) machines in order to optimize production. Operators will make sure that the machines are working safely. Does this position sound like something you are passionate about Note - Pay Rate for this Job is 14 Hour Shift Timing - 1st Shift (Day) Responsibilities Include Inspect equipment daily to ensure cleanliness Operate equipment in a safe manner at all times Proper recording of lot codes and temperatures when needed Ensure all fillings and supplies are ready for production personnel for efficient start-up Check product for proper size and weight Perform basic repairs as needed Qualifications Must be able to follow the batch formula in accordance to proper scaling of ingredients following proper mixing and padding instructions Ability to identify out of code perishable ingredients such as eggs milk and sour cream Ability to read and speak English Ability to stand consistently for an 8 hour shift and Physically must be able to lift at or above the waist at a maximum of 50 lbs. Additional skills listed would be a plus Previous experience in a food manufacturing environment Previous experience with automated machinery Candidates It s always a great time to join the PeopleReady team but right now it s the best time During the month of July any associate who works with us will be entered into a drawing to win up to 1 000 for every day worked with the chance to win a new Honda Civic at the end of the month. Learn more about the Work Win Drive Sweepstakes at peopleready.com WorkWinDriveSweepstakes.



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