Shapoorji Pallonji The Minerva Mahalakshmi Mumbai Heart of the

Shapoorji Paloonji - The MinervaShapoorji Pallonji Minerva Mahalaxmi provides you the facilities to live in a remarkable new private site. A set number of interesting 3 BHK and 4 BHK apartments with the best of the conventional plan are currently nearby. It provides Solace and peacefulness located at Mahalaxmi in Mumbai. It s a blend of beautiful yet extravagant apartments. This milestone private property is planned to remember Vaastu s necessities and improvement at its best. This basic yet sleek estate is set in a forest nature hold on the slopes sitting near to Mahalaxmi Race Course and provides dazzling perspectives to the ocean and amazing nightfalls over the mountains.Shapoorji Pallonji Minerva Mahalaxmi Mumbai Highlights - Total 360 Units Possession in 2023 Front-on looks of the Mahalaxmi Racecourse and the panoramic looks of the Arabian Sea Total 2 Acres Project LandCall (at)8447783345 Visit - s residential mumbai shapoorji-pallonji-the-minerva-mahalakshmi



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