Lauderdale Lakefront 3-BD3-BA Home &ndash Gated Community &ndash

Lauderdale 3-BD 3-BA Lake View Home has 2 944 sq. ft. of open floor plan living space an office space or a 4th bedroom two-bedrooms downstairs along with a fireplace and floor to ceiling windows in the living area spacious open kitchen with stainless steel appliances two sinks additional pantry and a laundry area. Also a recreational space with wet bar. Upstairs is a large master suite with a master bath that has textured marble tile his her walk-in master closets jetted tub and a two-person separate shower. Additionally a new tiled balcony off the master bedroom. Also another bedroom is upstairs. Tons of storage throughout the home. Home sits on 1-acre of land with approximately of 300 ft. of lakefront in the Dalewood Gated Community. A 1 165 sq. ft. 2-car attached garage with workshop a new walkway 21 x 21 concrete patio with an outside kitchen pass thru window in the back which is great for entertaining family and friends. Installed was a new metal roof new gutters new hot water heater new paint throughout the home the HVAC system is less than 5 years old and there is a boathouse with a lift. Only 355 000. Owner-Financing with terrific terms are available. Call us at 601-348-1033 or check our website to schedule an appointment for a showing and or to get more information on this property. Sorry but currently we do not accept Housing Vouchers or Section 8 on this home. This home is NOT for rent it is For Sale with Lease Purchase only



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