Challenger Computer Pvt Ltd (cc) in Mount Road Chennai

Challenger Computers Mount Road is at the centre of the IT Sector in Chennai. Set up in 20 000 square feet of space it boasts of a fully air-conditioned showroom that offers more than 28 000 computer hardware and software consumer electronics and communication products in stock at competitive prices to consumers. The dealer makes sure that the required products are shipped to the consumer at the earliest. The store makes multiple brands available under one roof offering a single window of products. The various brands include Intel Samsung Dell Compaq LG IBM and various others. The complete product range of these brands are available here. Catering to a wide range of audience the dealer caters to meet requirements of students hard-core gamers stay-at-home parents small to medium sized business unit IT professionals Government concern hospitals research and development purpose reseller or any individual who desires a complete digital lifestyle. The shopping experience with this dealer is sure to meet the needs of individuals. Understanding what the consumer is looking for during his purchase the well-trained staff takes keen interest in the requirement of the customer and thereby also makes valuable and sound suggestions that will suit their their needs. The various categories of products include Laptops Desktops Monitors Printers & Scanners Computer Components Accessories Network & Internet Laptop Accessories Tablets and Software. It is one stop shop for all computer needs at the best price.9940501234



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