Vacation Rental

Timeshare - 5625 Tropicana Ave Las Vegas NV 89103. The unit rents for 7 days. It is 1050 sq.ft. 2 bedroom 2 baths fully equiped kitchen washer & dryer 2 king size beds sleeper sofa. The unit will sleep 8 people. 24 hour pool and grill area. Put put golf for the kids. Off street parking. City buses run right by the resort. The Orleans casino is 5 minutes away. The Orleans casino has a movie theater and games for the kids. Grocery stores and resturants are about 5 minutes away. It is located about 10 minutes from the Las Vegas strip. Upper and cab fare is inexpensive. The asking price is 555 for the 7 days. This is a bargain for the resort asks for 173 per night. Call me to arrange your week stay. You will enjoy your stay there. My phone number is 301-520-3403. My email address is vectra9906(at) Can t wait to hear from you.



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