JUST LISTED Tons of Potential Corner Lot Bellflower Home

9301 Faywood Street Bellflower CA 90706 Welcome to 9301 Faywood in Bellflower which is situated on a corner lot with a two-car garage and lots of space for RV and extra parking. This two-bedroom home has tons of potential as there are two different rooms where either one could be used as a home office. Light and airy with several windows both the living and formal dining rooms have coved ceilings and custom baseboards. The kitchen has been upgraded with new butcher block countertops custom white cabinetry and stainless appliances. Off the kitchen are the two rooms mentioned above with one that could house a laundry unit plus have room for an office. A sliding glass door leads outside to a fully fenced patio area and a very large yard. The two bedrooms are both good sized and have their own entrances into the bathroom with a vanity sink and a shower tub combination. Allison Van Wig CA DRE 00985700 Van Wig and Associates www.SuperBroker.com 562-882-1581



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