Plate Heat Exchanger Service and Repair

We are Australia s leading provider for servicing maintenance and reconditioning of all makes and models of plate heat exchangers (PHE) including our own Thornhill models.Why select Heat Exchange Group for your PHE service and repairs Knowledgeable service engineers always available 24 7 Australia s largest purpose-built area for chemically cleaning PHE plates. In-house UV crack detection testing center. 24 7 emergency call-out and telephone support. Plates and gaskets accessible from our stock for common PHE units. The free no-obligation survey includes reports and recommendations for optimizing efficiency and reliability. Promec Engineering Pty Ltd is a one-stop service provider for all of your heat exchanger needs. The team here at Heat Exchange Group Services knows what it takes to complete work safely and on time doing everything possible to meet and even beat our client expectations and deadlines. CALL US NOW ON 61 (2) 9944 0795 OR 61424 416 650 CONTACT US HERE. View more service economisers



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