Home based work | search evaluation job | copy paste work | 1959

Image classification ? A multiple-choice task. Examples are moderating content or grouping images by category. Side-by-side image comparison ? The performer compares pairs of images, illustrations, or interfaces. Object recognition and area selection ? The performer labels the areas on an image that contain the specified object. These tasks are easier to run in the web version. Video classification ? A multiple-choice task. For example, moderation of content, evaluation of video for noise and defects, or video classification by specified categories. Audio tranion ? The performer receives an audio recording and types the text they hear. Checking such tasks can be assigned to other performers as a classification task. Voice recording ? The performer receives a phrase or a text fragment to record and has to attach the audio file as the response. These tasks are easier to run in the mobile app for Android and iOS. For Further details contact 2162: INCHARA M ? It?s about getting the ultimate & easy jobs. ? Most simple Google online job, ? Awesome work you can work round the clock 24/7. ? We make online jobs 100% Risk-Free! Instant payment



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