Wanted For Fork Lift operater job in Expierence

Wanted For Fork Lift operater job in Expierence Job Skills Unload materials and merchandise from incoming vehicles and stack them to assigned places Locate and move stock of products to pallets or crates for storage or shipment Identify damages and report shortages or quality deficiencies Transport raw materials to production workstations Inspect machinery to determine the need for repairs and guarantee safety by performing regular maintenance Keep updated records of inventory and activity logs Comply with company policies and legal guidelines Help maintain a safe and orderly environment of the facilitiesLOCATION CHENNAI (Sriperambathur )Role Fork Lift OperaterFRESHER Year Above ) 14 K TO 15 KQUALIFICATION 10th 12 th Any Degree Regards HR.DEVIPH. 91760 (at)(at)(at) 74708



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