Machine Operators (2nd and 3rd Shift)

Machine Operators (2nd & 3rd Shift) - Streetsboro OH - JOB 21-00419Hourly Rate 14.00 - 15.00 HR Permanent Position with benefitsOnly U.S. Citizens or persons with a Green Card work permit may apply. A Streetsboro Area Manufacturing Company is currently hiring Machine Operators. Machine Operators will produce inspect and package parts to meet customer needs.REQUIREMENTSHigh School Diploma or GED required Must be able to read and interpret documents (safety rules operating and work instruction manuals) Must be good basic math skills (add subtract multiply and divide using whole numbers common fractions and decimals) Must be able to use hand held measuring devices Must have experienced with computers Must be able to stand walk use hands & fingers reaching with hands & arms stoop kneel and crouch Must be able to lift up to 60 pounds Must have good vision (close color peripheral and depth) correctable to a minimum of 20x40 Must be able to work either 2nd or 3rd Shift Must be able and willing to work extended hours and holidays and swing shifts as needed Candidates are required to pass a Criminal Background Check and a 10 Panel Drug Screen.Hourly Rate 14.00 - 15.00 HR Permanent Position with benefitsOnly U.S. Citizens or persons with a Green Card work permit may apply. A Streetsboro Area Manufacturing Company is currently hiring Machine Operators. Machine Operators will produce inspect and package parts to meet customer needs. Due to the large amount of resumes we expect to receive only the most qualified candidates will be contacted. We will retain all other resumes for any future job considerations.Integrity Technical Services Inc. 14 Whitehall Drive Suite 102 Akron Ohio 44278 Toll Free 1-888-262-3226 Akron 330-633-6500 Cleveland 440-257-3232 Website (To view all of our open positions please visit our website) Integrity Technical Services Inc. does not charge a fee for finding anyone a job. Integrity Technical Services is an Equal Opportunity Employer



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