Very nice turnkey bakery pastry shop on the South Shore of Mont

Very beautiful bakery pastry shop on the South Shore of Montreal for sale in Monteregie. Opened in 2008 and very recently renovated. Welcoming customer area and pleasant and very functional production area. Good stable and dedicated team of employees. High quality artisanal products variety breads organic products tasty pastries and pastries at very competitive prices. An ideal turnkey business for both a professional and an investor.Brochure with all the information available upon request. LEAVE YOUR CONTACT INFORMATION Stanislas Didier Sales Mergers & Acquisitions Director Bluuglass Business Acquisitions CAN ( 1) 514-618-9165 FR ( 33) 07-66-37-69-66 s.didier(at)bluuglass.comTr s belle boulangerie p tisserie sur la Rive Sud de Montr al vendre en Mont r gie. Ouverte en 2008 et tr s r cemment r nov e. Espace clients accueillant et zone de production agr able et tr s fonctionnelle. Bonne quipe d employ s stable et d vou e. Produits artisanaux de grande qualit pains vari s produits bio viennoiseries et p tisseries savoureuses prix tr s comp titifs. Entreprise cl en main id ale tant pour un professionnel qu un investisseur .Brochure avec les informations disponible sur demande. VEUILLEZ LAISSER VOS COORDONN ES Stanislas Didier Directeur Ventes Fusions & Acquisitions d Entreprises Bluuglass Vente d Entreprises CAN ( 1) 514-618-9165 FR ( 33) 07-66-37-69-66 s.didier(at)



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