Live like royal with Antriksh Heights Gurgaon

Antriksh Heights is a ready to move residential property by Antriksh Group located in prime location in Sector 84 Gurugram. Antriksh Heights Gurgaon is offering 3BHK and 4BHK apartments with ultra-modern facilities these ready to move flats in Gurgaon are designed on 1350 sq. ft. up to 2595 sq. ft. with all luxurious amenities. Starting from Rs. 65 lacs onwards.Project Highlights -3 Grand entrances. More than 80% open space. Club with all amenities. Swimming Pool & courts. Surrounded by Elite Posh Colonies Shopping with Food court and Gym Etc. Two tier basement with mechanical parking. Strategically located in Sector 84 Gurgaon. All units facing open spaces & well distributed greens.Project Details -Project Name Antriksh Heights Location Sector 84 Gurgaon Property Type 3BHK Flats (1350 Sq. Ft.) Price 65 lacs Visit



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