Live In Nature With Godrej Serenity Sohna Road Gurgaon

Godrej Serenity is one of the best residential property offered by Godrej property. This residential property is located in sector 33 Sohna Road. This is very premium and luxurious project which is completely designed in a beutiful manner having proper ventilation and passage of sunlight and Godrej Serenity Sohna offering 2 and 3 Bhk flats starting from 81 lacs .Project Highlights - Advanced CTMA3 2 hectares ofcentral garden Airpurification technology 800 trees 40 WellnessActivitiesProject Details Name - Godrej Serenity Sohna Size - 1300 (2 BHK) Price - 81 Lac Location - Sector 33 Sohna RoadVisit Us -



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