I m looking for a Woman

I am looking for a woman who would be interested in meeting a successful business owner guy who has his act together is a regular down to earth guy. I need some excitement adventure and secrets in my life. I do not do any drugs and don t do crazy stuff in my life. Its pretty down to earth. I am not looking for a hook-up or something right now but want to find a woman that also needs something new to add to her life. Maybe a guy she can talk to or see or maybe there a lack of passion. We need to be attracted to other sufficiently or able to get a little riled up. If this sounds like a good first step to adding some new dimension to your life you should tell me about yourself. I am white 6 1 215lbs muscular athletic build on a 40 year old guy. My waist size is 36 and my chest measurement is 48 . I have blue eyes I shave my head no facial hair. Bottom line I need an attractive and interesteing woman who wants to flirt talk be hit on hit on me pull me close then push me away and tell me I need to wait then grab my arm when I walk away to stop me from going.



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