3 bhk ultra luxury apartments in gurugram

Buy 3 BHK Ultra Luxury Apartments in Gurugram Find your dream home among our modern houses, villas and penthouses for sale. ABOUT ELEVATE A legendary studio at the forefront of urban design arquitectura, ?RBTA? is renowned for its visionary humanism and cultural intelligence in settings across the world. Its wide-ranging experience with large scale international projects, residential districts, retail centers, office complexes, five-star hotels and private residences, have produced a new form of smart integrated urbanism, a place where city, nature, and history intersect. Ricardo and his brother Pablo Bofill co-direct RBTA. OUR OFFERING An oasis of serenity inspired by your desires, your dreams, your moods, your life. A modern design that combines contemporary architecture with indulgent comforts. Living spaces finely created by the best in the world to surround you with a sense of tranquility. OUR HOMES Well-lit and ventilated homes, designed with a meticulous eye for the finer details that are sure to impress the connoisseur in you. RESIDENCE: LIVING ROOM Living room with a breathtaking panoramic view will unravel. 8?-6? high corner window and sliding doors MASTER BEDROOM Thoughtfully designed, large bedrooms and living spaces to maximize efficiency and space. BALCONY Large balconies are a natural extension of the living room that allows outdoor living during good weather. KITCHEN Spacious modern kitchen connected to a separate, large and shaded utility balcony for laundry and service access. BATHROOM Large en suite bathrooms. Amenities We provide: EXCLUSIVE CAR DROP-OFF IN BASEMENT The traffic circulation has been designed to keep the surface car-free within the project, while creating drop-off and pick-up zones in front of all towers in the basements itself. NATURALLY LIT BASEMENTS A unique, underground parking experience with natural light, fresh air and plush arrival zones. THEMED LANDSCAPE Beautifully landscaped green areas enhance the living experience of residents. THE ARCADE An Inward looking stone clad arcade weaves the residential blocks together and creates a shaded walkway for residents. ACTIVE CLUB Leisure Swimming pool, all weather pool, kids pool, juice bar, steam & sauna, double level gym overlooking the waterfall, aerobic & dance room, squash court, badminton court with sitting. SOCIAL CLUB Classical British styled clubhouse with high ceiling, segregated zones divided into social lounge, water side leisure and fine dining. RETAIL & BANQUET Public area at the entrance of the site consists of retail shops along with banquet facilities, which is easily accessible by outsiders & guests while maintaining privacy of the residents. PRIVACY ? Separate entries for residents, visitors and service staff. ? Separate visitors parking. ? Only two apartments per elevator bank. ? Separate service elevator for service staff and domestic help. SECURE COMMUNITY ? Gated community wit



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