Warehouse Worker

WE ARE PEOPLEREADY Staffing. It s what we know. Because we ve been providing staffing solutions putting people to work for nearly 30 years. Whether you re looking for work or you re seeking workers for your business PeopleReady is the North American leader in the industrial and on-demand staffing space. The PeopleReady located at Pharr Texas 78577 is currently hiring a Warehouse Worker Job Description As a Warehouse Worker you will do any number of tasks picking packing and preparing orders to shipping and handling or even stocking. Note - Pay Rate for this Job is 11 Hour Shift Timings - 1st Shift (Day) Responsibilities Include Ordering inventory from vendors and suppliers and securing shipment arrival times Managing inventory by stocking and cataloging products for a business Performing quality checks on stored inventory and discarding inventory that does not meet the company s standards Updating inventory count and maintaining inventory records to share with management and other stakeholders in the business Reporting discrepancies in inventory that indicate theft such as too little inventory at last count Implementing loss prevention programs to prevent theft Obtaining estimates and price details from different vendors to compare costs Researching the accuracy of product details and testing new products Qualifications Ability to use inventory computer programs to update counts and compile reports such as spreadsheets Mathematical and analytical skills Strong verbal and written communication skills Critical thinking and problem-solving skills Physical strength Physical stamina Excellent dexterity Attention to detail and organizational skills ZIPX



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