Mother Hen Learning and Childcare takes priority in fostering a positive environment for creativity and learning. We believe in learning through play. We offer an age-appropriate development program for our children. Our program is directed toward creating a safe and loving space for your child to thrive in lead by our team of Early Childhood Educators. We have qualified staff and parent-teachers that are committed to your children and to our daycare. Contact us for rates. We are a co-op family daycare and school in the San Jacinto, Ca area near the 412 Church. Our home facility is complete with a full size park that has an age-appropriate play structure for children of all ages across the street. We offer all hours and overnight care to suit all schedules. Our staff is CPR, First Aid, ABA (Autistic) certified. We have many years of combined Early Childhood Education experience. Our director is a graduate of several college and universities, with many certifications and accolades. With a background degree in Early Childhood Education, she provides a safe, fun and learning environment for other children as well as her own.



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