2 Prince Matchabelli Vintage Crown Perfume Bottles

Coronet Flacons The Crown Bottles also knows as The Coronet Flacons were designed by Norina and were inspired by the letterhead on the Prince s paper which featured the Matchabelli crown. The Matchabelli crown bottles were launched when Prince Matchabelli first started the perfume company in 1926. The shape was copied from the crown that appeared on his family coat-of-arms.These are the original Prince Matchabelli crown bottles.The photo where both bottles are showing are together are what we are selling.The 2nd photo where there s only 1 bottle is for the purpose of showing the same bottle that s on the left in the 1st photo so that you can see that it is a clear bottle. The reflection from our pink cloth gave our clear one some color.Seriously interested buyers please call (do not text or email) & ask for Leon or Viola at 408-505-8965 between 10 am & 7pm on any day.Asking only 125 or best reasonable offer .. or .. 70 firm for 1 bottle.We are located in the Evergreen area of San JoseCash only thanks much



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