Quality Control Inspector - 2nd shift

Plastic manufacturing company in Carson looking to hire Quality Assurance inspectors for 2nd shift. WILLING TO TRAIN Candidates must be available to train on 1st or 2nd shift then transition to respective shift. 15 DOE2nd shift - 2pm - 10 30pm Associates will be repsonsible for visual and dimensional inspection of parts during processes involved in decorating printing and packing plastic tubes. Duties Prepare and update QA files prior to fabrication Prepares and updates the QA Set-Up and Line Clearance Approval form and takes necessary and appropriate action Monitors periodically product quality during shift Identifies quality issues and promptly informs production team for prompt corrective action Create QA End of Shift report Requirements Competent with basic math operations Detail oriented and organized Ability to work in a team environment Computer literate Hand tool knowledge Availability to work overtime and weekends For more information call Becky at 424-323-8718.



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