JUST LISTED Wonderful Family Bellflower Home At The End of A Cul

9607 Senwood Street Bellflower CA 90706 Welcome to this wonderful family home located in Bellflower at the end of a cul-de-sac on a large pie-shaped lot with over 6 600 sq. feet. Step into the large living room with crown molding custom baseboards recessed lighting and a big picture window where light flows onto the engineered wood flooring. A formal dining room is adjacent to a country-style kitchen with wood cabinets that go all the way to the ceiling offering tons of extra storage. An inside laundry room has door access to the patio. Off the kitchen is a good size room currently being used as a home office. The heart of the home will most likely be a spacious family room which has an open beam ceiling and a large sliding glass door leading out to a wonderful fully fenced backyard with a lush grassy area and a very large covered patio offering lots of areas for barbequing and entertaining. Back inside in the private living quarters are two bathrooms and three bedrooms with one bedroom being in the rear of the home. The main bathroom has a large vanity sink a tub plus a step-in shower. Additional features include ceiling fans in every room and newer dual pane windows. A long-gated driveway has a gate giving access to the patio and then leads back to a two-car garage offering extra parking and room for an RV. Allison Van Wig CA DRE 00985700 Van Wig and Associates www.SuperBroker.com 562-882-1581



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