
WE ARE PEOPLEREADY Staffing. It s what we know. Because we ve been providing staffing solutions putting people to work for nearly 30 years. Whether you re looking for work or you re seeking workers for your business PeopleReady is the North American leader in the industrial and on-demand staffing space. The PeopleReady located at Allentown Pennsylvania 18109 is currently hiring a Cook Job Description The smells of fresh-cooked food in the kitchen. The clang of pots pans and dinnerware as the anticipation of a rush puts you in the zone. You quickly take initiative to ensure the happiness of those who are dependent on you. Does this sound like a scenario that you would take pride in Do you strive to turn your love of cooking into your career We are now looking to hire Cooks who possess flexibility and rare dedication to the kitchen. Cooks prepare season and craft dishes. They may also order supplies keep records and plan and price menu items in addition to other responsibilities. A cook is passionate about his or her craft - making food for an event or restaurant is at the heart of this position. Note - Pay Rate for this Job is 22.50 Hour Shift Timing - 1st Shift (Day) 2nd Shift (Evening) Responsibilities Include Prepares and cooks to order foods requiring short and broader preparation time. May produce food and serve customers at an a la carte or may operate a grill station. Prepares food in accordance with current applicable federal state and corporate standards guidelines and regulations to ensure high-quality food service is provided. Reads food order or receives verbal instructions on food required by patron and prepares and cooks food according to instructions. Provides the highest quality of service to customers at all times. Follows basic recipes and or product directions for preparing seasoning cooking tasting carving and serving soups meats vegetables desserts and other foodstuffs for consumption in eating establishments. Prepares foods by operating a variety of kitchen equipment to measure and mix ingredients washing peeling cutting and shredding fruits and vegetables and trimming and cutting meat poultry or fish for culinary use. Tastes products reads menus estimates food requirements checks production and keeps records in order to accurately plan production requirements and requisition supplies and equipment. May clean and sanitize work stations and equipment and must follow all Sodexo client and regulatory rules and procedures. Attends all allergy and foodborne illness in-service training. Complies with all Sodexo HACCP policies and procedures. Reports all accidents and injuries in a timely manner. Complies with all company safety and risk management policies and procedures. Participates in regular safety meetings safety training and hazard assessments. Attends training programs (classroom and virtual) as designated. Produces small to large batch goods using advanced and full range of classical cooking techniques. May select recipes per menu cycle prepare bakery items receive inventory move and lift foodstuffs and supplies and prepare meals for customers requiring special diets. Typically performs fast food cooking duties in preparing food items to be served to customers. Intermediate to advanced knife skills required. May perform other duties and responsibilities as assigned. 11 am - 7 30 pm shift Qualifications Minimum one year experience as a cook Covid-19 vaccination Good knife skills and a deep knowledge of food preparation Possess a valid food handler s card or ServSafe certification - our branch will help provide this training Able to work all areas of the kitchen.



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