General Manager - Aloft Hotel Arlington - (MRT1250760)

Peoplescout has been retained to manage the General Manager search for SWH Arlington South LLC Stonewood Hotels Many World Class Hospitality Management Companies have chosen to partner with PeopleScout as their Recruiting Service Provider to support their recruiting efforts. We pre-qualify applicants in order to provide the best quality candidates to the numerous Hospitality Companies who work with us nationwide. Overall Responsibilities The General Manager will be responsible for the completion of all critical path efforts prior to the opening of the hotel. Furthermore the General Manager will function as the primary strategic business leader of the property with responsibility for all aspects of the operations including guest and employee satisfaction human resources financial performance sales and revenue generation and delivering a return on investment to ownership. Other responsibilities may include but are not limited to the following Ensuring implementation of the brand service strategy and brand initiatives with the objective of meeting or exceeding guest expectations and increasing profit and market share. Holding property leadership team accountable for strategy execution. Guiding professional development of the property leadership team and all team members. Ensuring sales engines are leveraged. Building owner loyalty through proactive communication setting and managing expectations and delivering solid business results. Being active in the local community to build strong relationships with local officials businesses and customers. Please note that this job description is not an exclusive or exhaustive list of all functions that the General Manager may be asked to perform. Requirements Candidates for General Manager must have a minimum of 2 years hotel management experience or equivalent combination of education and experience. Select-Service hotel experience and Food Bevrage experiance is must. Branded hotel experience. Desire to operate a best-in-class hotel. Hotel sales experience. Strong financial knowledge is required. Have a proven track record of meeting budgets understanding P& L statements and cost controls. Proven ability to deliver exceptional guest service results as measured through guest satisfaction. Ability to read write and speak English with excellent grammar and communication skills (written and verbal). To submit your application for this job please go to s jobtools jncustomsearch.viewFullSingle in_organid 18607& in_jnCounter 222976582PeopleScout is the Recruiting Services Provider for World Class Hospitality Companies



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