Personalized Pop Up Tents 600D Premium Polyester Fabric USA

Our personalized pop up tents are powerful marketing tools that help set your business apart from the competition. Our custom pop up tent canopy is made of strong material that can take a beating. Get noticed at your next event with custom tents pop-ups and inflatables from Starline tents.Visit Our Linktree s starlinetentsusa Features 4 Side Roof & Valance fully printed with unlimited color and graphicsDye Sublimation Printing On A 600D PolyesterFire retardant Water Resistant And UV Coated.(NFPA-701 CAN ULC-S109 and CPAI-84)Deluxe - 40mm Hexagonal Aluminium Frame (Rust Proof)(4) Velcro loop added to inside of Valance edge (Easy to connect full walls)(1) Premium Heavy Duty Carrying Case with Wheels (1000D Oxford)(6) Pieces of Extra Strength Double Sandbags(6) Pieces Steel Ground Stakes & Ropes2 Years WarrantyFREE SHIPPING - USA (48 Contiguous States)Available Sizes 10x10 Canopy Tents Packages10x15 Canopy Tents Packages10x20 Canopy Tents Packages Contact Us Address 125 TownPark Drive 300 KENNESAW GA 30144Phone No. 1-888-972-3040E-mail sales(at) info(at)starlinetents.comWebsite s



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