Single row home with landscaped garden

This three-bedroom townhouse is a great investment opportunity with a rental return of 5.9%. It is now occupied by a lovely family with good tenants who have moved in September 2021 and are quite happy with the look, layout and condition of the property. On entering the home, you are welcomed by a living room/dining room, plus a semi open kitchen and breakfast bar. The powder room is cleverly tucked away under the staircase, and the ground level also features an en-suite maid s room (conveniently accessible from the kitchen). This could also be used a study/office space. As you make your way upstairs you will find three bedrooms and a family bathroom. The master bedroom has a walk-in wardrobe and en-suite. Arabella is a neighbourhood for the best in outdoor recreation, with 3 swimming pools, various park/play areas, and peaceful walkways with workout stations located throughout. The Mudon community has superb proximity to major highways including Emirates Road and Sheikh Mohammed Bin Zayed Road, but the development?s community centre provides convenient retail and dining outlets, as well as further fitness facilities to residents. Contact our Mudon specialist to arrange a viewing of this townhouse. Call + 971 4 563 5900



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