Lowboy Driver

Arrow Heavy Haul is looking for a lowboy driver. Must have experience & clean CDL. Must be able to pass drug license & background.We have recently added new trucks to our fleet to meet call volume & customer expectations. We have 7 axle 8 axle & 10 axle setups. We haul mostly intrastate occasionally we ll haul interstate.Core duties and responsibilities include the following Operates company vehicles in a safe manner obeying all laws and DOT requirements. Must be on time for pickups and deliveries keeping management and customers informed at all times. Communicates clearly with customers at jobsite answering customer questions reviewing damage reports and other related duties. Safely load secure and unload heavy equipment (dozer excavator loaders crusher screener).Benefits include health insurance dental & vision Aflac uniforms bonuses paid vacationPlease apply in-person ONLY at 541 Carswell Ave Holly Hill FL 32117 Application can be found online to complete in advance at www.ArrowFlorida.com NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE



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