Pumpkins Pumpkins Pumpkins

Hand-made one-of-a-kind and just in time for Halloween. Turn your home into a pumpkin patch Cover your mantle your table your stairs with unsmashable fabric pumpkins. Tuck your pumpkin in with a pair of our witch s boots and a broom and let the trick-or-treating begin Soft rusty orange cotton with muted gold sprinkles tied with gold cording and adorned with rust hydrangea and gold baubles. Poly fiber fill stuffing. Approximately 8 in diameter and 8 tall.Price includes sales tax. FREE shipping within the USA To purchase go to s sunshine-stitched-creations.myshopify.com products pumpkin-1Check out our other pumpkin choices and witches boots at s sunshine-stitched-creations.myshopify.com Don t see what you want We create custom sets in the colors and designs you like Just drop us a note at SunshineStitchedCreations4(at)gmail.com today



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